Sharing the road with many different drivers could seem overwhelming at first, especially if you notice someone acting strangely near you. Whether turning onto a highway or traveling along a country back road, angry drivers can cause a crash at any time.
Road rage may lead to sudden injuries when a person focuses on one particular driver in order to harm or scare them.
Endanger you with speeding vehicles
According to MSN, people with road rage tend to break the speed limit while following other vehicles. This kind of speeding can start with small increases, such as 15 miles per hour over the limit, and continue as their rage grows.
The faster a vehicle goes, the easier it is to lose control of steering and braking. This speed could lead to an angry driver ramming into your car.
Distract you from surrounding people
People with road rage may create distractions to irritate you, such as honking their horns or making rude gestures out of their car window. While this may not immediately harm you, it can lead to stress and confusion while trying to navigate the road.
More extreme measures, such as passing someone and then slowing down quickly or tailgating someone very closely, could even lead to you driving off the road if they do not let you merge on a highway.
Fail to follow road rules
People with road rage often speed past red lights and stop signs in order to follow you. They may even go off the road and use sidewalks to catch up to you.
Noticing this erratic and unsafe behavior is the first step you could take after a car accident.